Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Brawijaya University


Becoming an outstanding world-class university and able to take active parts in the national development through education, research and community service.


To awake moral power and consciousness on the creation of the universe by God and of the fact that each life is worth appreciating.
To implement the process of learning so that learners can become people with academic and/or professional skills and good personality who also posses entrepreneur characteristics.
To develop and propagate science, technology, arts and humanity, and attempting to improve people's standard of living and enrich the national culture.


To produce high quality graduates with believe in the One Supreme God, who would push himself to learn all the time, have wide horizon, maintain discipline and work ethos, and are able to compete at the international level.
To develop science, technology and arts, in order to support cultural development.
To have capacity in empowering the community through problem solving concept development with the application of scientific methods.

Brief History

Brawijaya University/Universitas Brawijaya (abbreviated into UB) became a public University in 1963. Today, UB is one of the leading universities in Indonesia with more than 30,000 students in various degrees ranging from the Diploma Programs (One Year and Two Year Programs), Bachelor’s Degree Program, Master’s Degree Program, Doctoral Degree Program, and Medical Specialist Program in 10 faculties.

UB campus is situated in the city of Malang, East Java, in a strategic location you can easily reach by public transportations. Thanks to trees growing in all corners of the campus and the cool air of Malang, you can find UB a very fresh campus. A city of education, Malang has been developing rapidly. This seems to be inseparable from the triumph of East Java in the past.

The name Universitas Brawijaya (Brawijaya University) was granted by the President of the Republic of Indonesia through a wire sent on July 11, 1961. This name is derived from the title of Kings of Majapahit, a great kingdom in Indonesia from 12th to 15th centuries. UB transformed into a state university on January 5, 1963, following a Presidential Decree issued earlier in the same year. This date was later promulgated as UB's anniversary (specially called Dies Natalies among Indonesian academi society members). Prior to its transformation into a state university in 1967, UB had started its operation in 1957 in Malang, as a branch of University of Sawerigading Makassar. In those days, this Malang branch had two faculties, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics. Then, on July 1, 1960, its name was changed into the Municipal University of Malang. Under the new name, two more faculties were established a few months later, that is, the Faculty of Trade Administration and the Faculty of Agriculture. Finally, the name Municipal University of Malang was changed into Brawijaya University.

At the time of its transformation into a state university, UB only had 5 faculties: the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of State Governance and Trade Management (an extension of the Faculty of Trade Administration now called the Faculty of Administrative Science), the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry. In 1973, the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry was then divided into two faculties: The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and the Faculty of Veterinary, which were under Airlangga University. The Faculty of Engineering was established in 1963 based on a Decree form the Ministry of Universities and Education Science in the same year.

In 1982, due to a change in UB's organizational structure, the Faculty of Fishery became a separate faculty after previously, since 1977, it had been under the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fishery, which was later called the Faculty of Animal Husbandry. As a matter of fact, prior to this date, the Faculty of Fishery had operated since 1963, but in Probolinggo, a town about three hours away to the Northeast from Malang, as a department under UB's Faculty of Veterinary and Agriculture of UB. The Faculty of Medicine has officially been under UB since 1974. Previously, since its establishment, it had been under the Foundation of Higher Education of East Java. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was inaugurated following the issuance of a Decree from the Ministry of Education and Culture dated October 21, 1993. UB added one more faculty, that is, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, which was upgraded from the Department of Agricultural Technology, which had been under the Faculty of Agriculture.

The Hymn of UB was composed by a student of the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry called Yanardhana in 1963, while the Mars of UB was composed by Lilik Sugiarto in 1996. Both songs are still frequently sung up to this day.

Development Plan

Realizing UB into Entrepreneurial University with the policy of :
Entrepreneurship Education Training
Research Development
Community Service Development
Research Development
Business Development
Improvement of the quantity and the quality of the International Class, aimed to :
Realize UB Vision and Mission in Becoming International University
Produce graduates with National/International competence
Take part in realizing World Class University program from the Department of National Education

Top Supporting Program

Benchmarking and international recognition through foreign student enrolment and double degree
Improvement of the capacity of information technology to support learning process
Improvement of Learning Process supporting equipment and research laboratories that comply with national/international standa
Improvement of good quality Human Resources
Improvement of service with ISO standard
Improvement of strong finance by enlarging business chances, patents, and cooperation

Universitas Brawijaya's Profile at a Glance

Estblished: 1963
Location: Jl. Veteran Malang, East Java, Indonesia, about 85 KM from Surabaya
Phone: +62 0341-551611
Fax: +62 0341-565420

Snail Mail Brawijaya University

Jl. Veteran Malang 65145 Indonesia
Coat of Arms's color Black & Golden

Current Rector (2010): Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito
Faculties: 14
Lecturers: 1.482
Professor: 179
Student: 30.278
New Student: 8.605
2009 graduates: 7.502
Coordinate: 112° 36' 45.88" E 7° 57' 20.00" S
Elevation: 492 m (above sea level)
Campus Area Land Size: 1.813.664 m²

Brawijana University Academic Program

According to the Decree of the minister of Education and Culture No 232/U/2000, higher academic education, consists of sarjana, magister and doktor program are the education aimed to the mastery of science, technology, and arts. Professional education is a diploma education aimed to the readiness to implement specific set of skills, while professional education is an additional education taken after finishing sarjana program to obtain special skills and professional title in a specific field.

Universitas Brawijaya currently has 25 diploma study program, 47 S1 (Sarjana) study program, 25 S2 (magister) study program, 11 S3 (doktor) study program, and 17 Specialist 1 program, which are available in various faculties.


Universitas Brawijaya is one of the prominent universities in Indonesia, currently having 30.278 active students from various levels, in various faculties.

On the admission year 2009/2010, Universitas Brawijaya accept 8.605 new students on various degrees in various faculties. The number of students graduated on 2009 is: 7.502.


As one of the prominent Universities in Indonesia, Universitas Brawijaya has determine its vision to be an international entrepreneurial university. Universitas Brawijaya currently has 1.482 lecturers with 179 professors in various faculties.


University's Senate is a normative institution that is also the highest representative in the University. Members of the Senate consist of the Professors, Head of the University, Deans, and two Lecturers from each faculty.
There are three comissions in the University's Senate:

Comission A
with main duty on the field of University's Tri Dharma (Three Basic Principles)

Comission B
with main duty on the institutionality and finance

Comission C
with duty on the regulation arrangements
Every Comission is lead by a Head and aided by a secretary chosen among the Comission member.

The Duty of University's Senate are:

Suggest the change of University's Status to the Minister;
Give advice about the member of Monitoring Board of experts that are suggested by the rector to the Minister;
Formulating academic policy and University development;
Formulating policy on evaluation of academic achievement, skill, and the personality of academic society member;
Formulating regulation of academic freedom conduct;
Formulating norms, ethics, and evaluation of University conduct;
Give consideration and agreement on the university budget that will be proposed by the rector;
Evaluating the responsibility and conduct of the policy that has been implemented by the Rector;
Choosing and giving consideration on the Lecturers that are proposed to be a Rector;
Giving consideration about the lecturers that are proposed to be Vice ectors and the Director of Post Graduate Program;
Legitimating the result of Dean's election based on the consideration of Faculty's Meeting;
Give consideration of for Lecturers that are proposed to be professors;
Enforce the norm for the academic society member;
Award honorary doctor degree and professor degree for those who meet the requirements.

Coat of Arms

the Forms:

Black as the base color
Picture inside the Coat of Arms
Golden colored edge of the pentagon
Golden Colored Picture
The Statue of Raden Wijaya prabu Brawijaya, as the incarnation of the god Wisynu with four arms and wearing a Head Candra crown, as the symbol of Ciwa. Each hand holding a lamp, canka or snail, mace, and chakra. On both sides there are statues of Perwara god, as the followers of the King.

Meaning of the Universitas Brawijaya Coat of Arms

The overall meaning of the coat of arms depicts the style and characteristics of Universitas Brawijaya, which covers:
Golden Color, represents pioneering soul, as posessed by Raden Wijaya.
Black base color represent Immortality.
Head Chandra Crown: Courage to uncover the wrongs.
Mace: Law enforcement.
Chakra: Courage to destroy the wrong.
Canka or snail: Everything is conducted with purity, accompanied by duty to guide, according to the characteristics of Wisynu.
Lamp: Believe and having faith in life substance.
Pentagonal form: Uphold Pancasila as the philosophy and life View of Indonesia.


Meaning contained in the logo and the phrase "Join UB be the Best" is the motto of Universitas Brawijaya that seeks to be the best.
Writings "UB" in the sphere describe UB in a dynamic world community.
Wing consists of 3 pieces around the globe sphere showing the three basic principles of Higher Education (education and teaching, research, and community service) that is implemented on the global scale.
Gold color in the letters and pictures imply wisdom and glory. Blue color as the background illustrates that universitas Brawijaya is universal.
The Frame, a square (equal on all sides) gives meaning of fairness.

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